ماغي فرح: توقعات الأبراج المهنية في شهر سبتمبر 2023

September 2023 professional horoscope predictions
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Does this month carry professional affairs and issues that promise the best? What are the professional offers that the constellations can receive and move to a more important professional period than the previous time and take an interest in new and unusual activities and prepare themselves for a distinguished launch.
Planet Mars opposes you this month, generates violent reactions and some confusing atmosphere, and makes you review some accounts and cancel some appointments. Also, Pluton is in Capricorn, and it re-opposes you, obstructs old projects, or generates circumstances that force you to adapt to them and prevent you from making decisions under the weight of emotion. Patience is required of you, as the planet Mars stands in the way of a lookout for you and may impose on you a system that you do not like, while Markor retreats and causes general obstruction and raises, along with another astronomical scene, concerns and fears of a situation that requires care and another opinion. Only Venus in Leo suits you and suits you, especially since it will stop retreating and support you in financial areas. Jupiter forms a good horoscope with Markor and the Sun and indicates good financial opportunities. You are required to be calm, patient, and accept waiting without emotion, and you may have an appointment that will be postponed, or an entitlement that does not materialize. Fortunately, the new moon on the 15th takes place in your sixth house and suggests professional opportunities that you may be looking for and sheds light on a very important issue related to your future.
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Things calm down a bit and move around from time to time, as if the pattern has slowed down and the rhythm is no longer as loud as it used to be. You are not disturbed by this climate, but you benefit from it to review your papers, study your decisions, and take the time to crystallize your ideas and projects and re-evaluate them. But don’t postpone some benefits and respect dates. Beware of someone trying to exploit you, especially since the planet Jupiter indicates some benefactors who approach you for personal interest. On the other hand, you have to tighten the bonds of friendship with some capable and influential references. You will get an important result if you do not neglect your social and professional relationships, duties and visits. You may have to travel for the duty of condolence, consolation or support. Never challenge certain people and references on an issue that needs a lot of support. Try to study the details and do not let problems escalate if they arise, but treat them calmly. Required, in turn, patience and confidence in your luck. The planets reassure you and send you positive messages related to your financial situation and production. The planet Markor returns to its direct path on the 15th, and this is a very important and useful indicator for you in the financial and social fields, and it prepares you for successful investments and profits that make you happy. Some Taurus people get financial returns without waiting, and they may be related to a gift, inheritance, or material profit through some institutions and departments, or in the field of real estate. There is no doubt that the second half of the month is very promising.
You also know that the planet Markor is your planet, and when it is in an opposite position, it affects you negatively and severely. And you should know that this month is difficult for you, and all its negative matters will be reflected in your work, and disturbing disagreements may arise, as well as some emergency circumstances that do not correspond to your dreams. Someone claims against you, or you live a series of slanders, and you may resent misleading opinion about you and throwing accusations without facts or origins. Some of the environment disagrees with you and may hold you accountable. Sometimes you feel helpless, a wave of pessimism sweeps you, and a close person fails you, so you feel that no matter how much you learn and experience life, you remain incapable of understanding all people and correcting their actions. But you must avoid this feeling of frustration, ignore some behaviors, and be patient with some moods. Planet Venus and Mars in Libra compensate you for these negatives and support your positions at some very embarrassing times. Rely on meeting some of the parties you trust. You may have important, promising, logical discussions and dialogue during which you show your ability and excellence. The location of the planets Venus and Mars also indicates a project that may see the light and be born from the womb of these differences, and you may know something new. If I wanted advice, it would be not to get overzealous and emotional reactions. Stay away from the conflict and pay attention to the small details of every word you say, and be keen on the right timing and the right place for one of the meetings.
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This month records a decline in the movement of the planets, which affects the course of public affairs and is very effective until the 16th. It is necessary for you to calm down, ease the pattern, and accept some stagnation in business without things being bad. Jupiter is retrograde along with some other planets that suggest anxiety and an inability to overcome difficulties. Try to preserve your practical and personal gains and let time heal the situation. You also get financial support from a close relative or you reach a partnership with a family member, which seems promising in the meantime. There is no doubt that the planet Mars in Libra opposes your work or may limit your ambition and determination, but the other planets will be supportive of you, especially since Markor in Virgo throughout the month brings you good news and valuable projects. You are following up on something you started in the past, and this month is suitable for all kinds of science, education, and gaining knowledge. The new moon on the 15th indicates upcoming financial profits. Contacts with some references are very useful and important. You may be thinking about an offer you received last month, but if you feel that someone opposes these matters, do not get angry and do not stand on the lookout, because the planet Mars is the one who opposes you and puts obstacles with the decline of Markor, which forces you to pay close attention to what is happening around you and be alert to some developments.
This month, you review your accounts, evaluate what you have accomplished, engage in deep study, try to stay away from the intrusion of others, and perhaps start self-criticism. Markor in Virgo makes you waver, while most of the planets are retrograde this month, and this indicates postponement, procrastination, and failure to adhere to deadlines and promises. Starting in the middle of the month, you will receive good news on the financial front after a period of stagnation. The planet Venus resumes its course, and you see that its retrograde is very appropriate. Opportunities are available to you that were absent, and the spheres invite you to accept what is offered to you. You show some optimism, as if you are victorious and capable, and others rely on you in the basic decisions that you make with boldness, courage, and conviction, supported by the planet Mars in Libra, and urging you to adventure and pursuit. So this is the month of work and striving that asks you not to rush to gain others and forbids you from negligence or relaxation on the other hand. Deliberation, moderation, and accuracy are required of you in studying the files and making some concessions when necessary.
Heaven guarantees your success in this month, which brings you solace and reassurance, away from what you suffered from previously. The atmosphere becomes more intimate, and astronomy helps you to confront injustice and slander. What you thought impossible becomes from the past, and a project that slept in the drawers is restructured, and you get to implement an idea dear to your heart, especially since the Sun in your sign with Markor harmonizes with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. You have the ability to set your goals and move towards them without hindrance. Events change or you make that change by taking chances that come your way. The good news is that financial conditions encounter good conditions in order to make profits or get better returns. Some Virgos get unexpected money and profits that may come from unexpected sources and through previous investment offers or operations. Support comes to you from an actor, a relative, or a husband or wife, and your desires flourish again towards achieving dreams that were impossible.
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The elements of success in your life will be completed during this month, which includes Mars in Libra and Venus in Leo, without significant conflicts. But the orbits recede by a large percentage, until about the middle of the month, and some obstacles are generated around you and at the general level. If obstacles arise or there is a hint of delay, then things proceed after that in a pattern that makes up for what was missed. The good news is that your financial affairs promise you profits and you may have unexpected returns or money will come to you from a place you did not expect. Heaven fulfills your desires or as if it answers your prayers in this month. Release some weight, straighten your posture, and make the change you need. The planet Venus returns to its direct course, so you get a wish that fate fulfills. The planet Mars is the planet of love for those born in Libra. It settles in your horoscope throughout the month and talks about a relationship that you may be currently engaged in on a professional level. You feel that you have regained your balance and that you are on the right path, and he fears that you will fall into vanity. You have a month of negotiations and discussions ahead of you about an important project that may change the course of events, or you may be at a fateful crossroads that requires work and effort and is overwhelmed by the spirit of competition.
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The sky and your planetary alliance clears on a new journey during which you develop your business and improve your conditions. You also have exceptional opportunities that reward your professional advantages and remove previous burdens and barriers that prevented you from achieving your dreams and goals. However, you still suffer from some doubts or from the consequences of the past astronomical situations, which continue to charge you with doubts because of the planet Venus, which is in its position in Leo and opposes you with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. You must pass this period in peace because there are other planets allied with you, and you must also understand the reflection of other astronomical sites on your situation and soften in the face of some developments and challenges. In other words, be positive and look at things from the bright side, and do not let darkness prevail in your heart and thoughts. Planet Mercury in Virgo also favors your situation. The new moon on the 15th that takes place in Virgo indicates a distinguished career period, a turn towards some new interests, and enhances your social statuses.
This month’s weather is similar to last month’s. Markor stays put in Virgo and defies any wrong action she takes. The variables are headed by the planet Mars, which settles in Libra throughout the month, so it calms you down or makes you more ready to strive and succeed and replace doubts with hopes and an atmosphere of optimism. There is no doubt that the planet Markor holds you away from great ambitions or hinders endeavors and creates some problems for you that force you to follow solutions in any way. You may take an adventure or risk, but you will come out of it intact and find a way to save some situations and refute some accusations and allegations to spoil your situation or your relationship with some influential references, and be ready to respond. Saturn forms an accurate horoscope with your sign, and Jupiter prompts you to redouble your efforts for success. Mars and Venus stimulate you to expand your interests or contacts and encourage you to embody some ideas. You have many competencies and you should not neglect them, otherwise what is happening around you will frustrate you and prevent you from striving and working for victory.
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A positive astronomical wind blows in its entirety this month that serves your aspirations and shakes you a little because of the presence of the planet Mars in Libra throughout the month, which reminds you every minute of your duties and poses challenges in front of you to solve them with your skill and knowledge. You are forced to struggle and struggle, but Markor in Virgo supports you with the rest of the planets, and you will be able to achieve your dreams despite the strong winds. Do not forget that you prepared well in the past for projects that will see the light in spite of everything, and this month brings you approval for a request and harmony with your dreams. There is no doubt that you practice your work that requires great effort from you with self-confidence and clarity of vision. Activities abound and you may need moral support to follow the road at a time when you receive many signals and good offers. The Sun in Virgo illuminates the path ahead of you and promises you the best and indicates a delicate experience with its move to Libra on the 24th. The New Moon on the 15th in your ninth house brings something new to you. This month, you should take care of your professional relationships that are related to investment or commercial affairs.
This month, quick ideas come up, stick to a position, and surround robotic endeavors to push you into a corner. You belong to a conglomerate that helps you jump over some differences and risks, and perhaps someone pledges to proceed with a joint project in a month that relieves your past pain, provides you with new hopes, and promises you the fulfillment of some wishes. The spheres are still receding and the atmosphere in general is crystallizing, but the planet Mars in Libra encourages you to move forward to implement desires and achieve ambitions. The planet Venus still opposes you in the sign of Leo, and its position varies in an unusual way, and it is also opposite to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. It is very possible that you will run into certain obstacles, and as soon as one disappears, another appears, and complications may follow uncomfortably. You are interested in a basic issue that you have attended for a long time, and you find that the ferocity in objecting to it comes from a strong or capable team, and this disgusts or angers you, but some solutions also appear unexpectedly. Planet Mars in Libra protects you and dictates beneficial actions and decisions when needed. Do not rely on circumstances and events that may change standards, and you must strive to find an arena of understanding on your own. You have to be conservative even if things are going well and better than before.
The planet Markor in Virgo still opposes you, while the planet Mars stops contradicting you and moves to Libra to be neutral towards you. The slow planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluton support you. But the Sun in Virgo steals your light and causes some complications, especially if you have to make a choice or determine your position on a major public or professional issue. Your struggle will not be easy with some people who treat you dirty or rude. You are currently confused about your situation, especially after rumors of worrying information or after announcing a team in solidarity with an atmosphere hostile to you. Some Pisces-born may yearn for fleeting glory and past times, but they have the opportunity to open a new page in fields that are dear to their hearts. The important thing is to be patient and hopeful, and not to lose your dream, no matter how unfair the reality is.
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Source: Maguy Farah’s official YouTube channel
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