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استشارات طبية.. كيفية التعامل مع قصر النظر عند الطفل

القاهرة: «السفير»

Some mothers complain that their children suffer from myopia. In the following lines, we present everything related to this problem and ways to deal with it.


The report published on the Hindustantimes website confirmed that myopia, an eye condition in which people have difficulty seeing objects far away from them, is an increasing visual problem that usually affects young school-age children, often due to modern lifestyle factors and environmental influences.

Causes of myopia:

Genetic factors: Individuals with one or both parents suffering from myopia are more susceptible.

Working for a long time: Activities such as reading, writing, or spending a long time in front of a screen can affect the growth of different components in the eye, making it short-sighted in the growing age.

Lack of exposure to the outdoors: Spending insufficient time outdoors has been closely linked to the development of myopia.

Environmental factors: Poor lighting and inappropriate posture while performing near-sighted tasks can aggravate the condition, and the lack of time a person spends in daylight also contributes to the development of myopia.

Symptoms of myopia:

Blurred vision of distant objects: Difficulty seeing distant objects clearly while near vision remains unaffected.

Repeated squinting: Trying to improve focus on distant objects by repeatedly gazing with the eyes.

Eye strain or fatigue: such as pain in the eyes, headache, and a general feeling of fatigue.

Poor academic performance in children: Difficulty seeing a black or white board may lead to decreased participation in the classroom.

What preventive measures should be taken?

Outdoor Activities: Encourage children and adults to spend time outside, as natural light helps maintain healthy eye development.

Ergonomic practices: Maintain proper distance and posture while using digital devices or reading. Reducing the time a person spends using mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and gaming consoles along with restricting excessive reading have been shown to be effective interventions.

Routine eye examinations: Early detection and correction through regular eye examinations can help mitigate the progression of the disease.

Healthy diet: Includes foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, to support eye health.

The report provided some eye exercises that we can do at home to reduce the risk of myopia in children, including:

Shift focus: Switch focus between a near object and a far object to enhance flexibility.

Eye Rotation: Gently rotate your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise to relax the eye muscles.

Practice blinking: Blink consciously while using the screen to prevent dry eyes.

Palm Massage: Gently cover your closed eyes using the palms to relax the eye muscles.
Finally, the report stressed the need for the child to wear prescription glasses to reduce further impairment in eye health.

لمطالعة المزيد: موقع السفير وللتواصل تابعنا علي فيسبوك الدبلوماسي اليوم و يوتيوب الدبلوماسي اليوم.

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